We know how trying this time can be for many. While some of us are comfortable working from home or have been running businesses from our home offices, a lot of us are experiencing quarantine as something entirely new.
The isolation and restrictions on travel affect each of us in different ways. If we’re comfortable being surrounded by friends and coworkers, or enjoy an extroverted lifestyle, this can be particularly hard. If we’re separated from our partners or loved ones, all the more.
The best thing you can do to feel less lonely is to remember: this is temporary. We’re living this dystopian story only for a short while, and it’s essential that we use this time, if we’re privileged to do so, to make the most of our isolation.
What Kind Of Support Counts As Support?
Well, any kind! Whether it’s the kind of love and companionship you get from a partner, joy and gratitude you find in your friendships, practical and analytical support you find in your therapist, or even centered and transformative support you can find within yourself. Support abounds around us - all we need to do is recognize it and tap into it.
4 Ways To Find Support
If your feelings of loneliness have been exacerbated by self-quarantine, or you’re simply in the mood to connect with other human beings, we’re sharing 4 easy and effective ways of finding support in the time of COVID-19.
It really helps to be part of a group of like-minded people, convening regularly for things each of you enjoy. This could be a reading group, a meditation group, or an online work community.
Any sort of community group that enables you to be yourself, connect with the things and people you care about, share ideas, chat, and bring some routine and companionship into your daily life.
If the loneliness and frustration is eating you up, find a good therapist to talk to. That’s the best thing you can for yourself, even if it isn’t to address anything serious. Therapy is one of the most undervalued essentials in India.
It aids your self-growth, assists you in altering patterns and negative belief systems, and gives you a much-needed perspective when you’re lacking some.
If your regular therapist is available to support you virtually, that’s wonderful. Maintain your sessions and follow up, regardless of the pandemic. If anxiety and feelings of distress are new to you, or you’re experiencing feeling overwhelmed by the quarantine, find a therapist that can help you!
Here are a few online links to get you started:
We can’t stress this enough. Take a break with your friends and loved ones. Set a time to connect with a friend over a video call. Brew some tea or coffee. Settle down on a couch or in your bedroom and convene overcall.
It may not be anything like meeting at Starbucks or hanging together in person. But it’s the next best thing right now! Sip some coffee after work hours, catch up on your day, and give each other some much-needed support during these challenging times.
Nature is your next best friend. As silly as this sounds, nature has been around since before you were born. It has seen the best and worst of us, and it’s been privy to the lives of our ancestors. Spend some time enjoying nature by working from your balcony, porch, rooftop, or if you’re lucky, even your garden.
Getting out of the confines of your home is essential at this stage. Give your body some sunlight and a change of scenery. Take a walk, social distance permitting, and stretch your legs in the outdoors. Lean against a tree, unwind on the grass, or walk barefoot in the sunlight. Each of these practices gets our creative juices flowing, helps us reconnect with the earth, and in the long run, assists us in reconnecting with ourselves.
Bring yourself out of this phase wiser than before. That’s all we recommend. Don’t let the anxiety get you down. Focus on connecting with those you care about. We are all going through this together, so let’s come out better than when we began.
Human beings are creatures of habit and change, and we’re known to adapt quickly to circumstances. Let’s connect with friends and coworkers, invest some time in self-care, and bring joy where we can during these troubled weeks.
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